Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Missing yet another Tonner convention close by......

I don't think I'll ever get to a convention, LOL!!! I live in Chicago, 35 minutes from Lombard. But due to the economy, and being unemployed for so long, I had to pass on the Gene convention (GASP!!!) AND the Tonner convention!!!!

I really would like to go to meet everyone I've talked to on the boards, and maybe buy a few things. But mostly to socialize. Maybe next one (Tonner, not Gene).

Here's hoping we see some new and great dolls. I wonder who the next Hollywood Diva will be? Marlene? Greta? Jean? I hope we find out!!!

Anyway, I'm in for the virtual raffle. LOVED the last doll I won (Joan Crawford Starlet). Just in case, my email addy is:


And to everyone going- HAVE FUN FOR ME, TOO!!!! :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

To the wonderful Miss Wentworth....

and to the wonderful Mr. Tonner for 10 years of fun, memories, and beauty. Here's to 10 more years +!!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Ms. Tyler!!!

Here's to ten more years with you, your friend, and your family!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Congrats to the winners!!!

Congrats to all the winners!!! And, I just wanted to say what a great idea to bring Daphne back as Daphne Dimples' grand daughter. What a stroke of genius!! Glad to see her back.

Friday, July 31, 2009

2009 Holiday

That is one gorgeous Tyler. Glad to see there is some life in the old girl. I can't wait to see what's new!!